Three Day Quote Challenge – Day Two

Deb at OnceUponaHotFlash has selected me for a Three Day Quote Challenge. Deb is a new follower I am enjoying following in return. You might want to visit her if you don’t already.

Thank you, Deb, and I look forward to getting better acquainted with you—in between hot flashes.

These are the rules of the challenge:

  • Thank the person who nominated you.
  • Post a quote for 3 consecutive days
  • Nominate 3 bloggers each day

Almost instantly upon being challenged I knew what my “theme” would be: curiosity. I was born with an incessant curiosity. The good thing about that is I’m constantly learning new things. The drawback is spending too many hours in a chair in front of the computer feeding my curiosity. Curiosity in itself is not a bad thing; it is what wards off ignorance. So for my second quote I give you. . .


Today’s nominees are:

  1. WhatSandraThinks
  2. Roger Shipp
  3. PricelessJoy

If you have the time and want to join in the fun, please join in. It is not required. There is no time frame; take it up at your leisure. We will all love seeing what quotes inspire you or appeal to you for some reason.


2 thoughts on “Three Day Quote Challenge – Day Two

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